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Values and code of ethics

CNC Centri di Lavoro srl 

The Code of Ethics adopted by CNC Centri di Lavoro srl collects, defines and explains all the values, general principles and behavioral rules that must inform the company’s activity, which the Company itself recognizes as a positive ethical value and which all those who operate in the company context must comply with.  according to the canons of integrity, loyalty and correctness. The Company intends, in fact, to base its behavior on integrity, a value which does not take on exclusively moral value, but rather fundamental importance to guarantee the Company’s continuity of action in compliance with the provisions of the Legislative Decree. 231/01.

Respect for corporate ethics is essential for the development of the corporate organization and the relationships between the Staff and those who collaborate in various capacities with the Company, as well as between the Staff and the public in general. It therefore contributes to making the policies and control systems developed by the Company effective and influences and guides behaviors that may escape the control systems.

Achieving this objective, naturally, requires absolute compliance with the legislative, regulatory and ethical provisions in force in Italy and in the countries in which the Company operates, in safeguarding and protecting the legitimate interests of all   stakeholders: customers, Sole Member, citizens, employees, suppliers, commercial partners etc.

Compliance with this Code of Ethics is therefore of fundamental importance for the good functioning, reliability and reputation of CNC Centri di Lavoro srl towards the State and public opinion. Compliance with the Code of Ethics is functional to combating any illicit or incorrect conduct that could expose the Company to sanctions risks.

Below we present a part of our Code of Ethics which can be viewed in full at our administrative headquarters.

The actions and business relationships implemented by CNC Centri di Lavoro srl are inspired by the ethical principles identified below:

Legality: CNC Centri di Lavoro srl ensures full compliance with all legal provisions and regulations in force in the countries in which it operates;

Integrity: CNC Centri di Lavoro srl places the assessments of:





good faith.

In order to achieve personal or business objectives, illegitimate or otherwise incorrect behavior as well as any form of corruption are rejected; 

Responsibility: each recipient carries out their work activity and/or their task or function with professional commitment, diligence and efficiency, making the best use of the tools and time at their disposal and assuming the responsibilities connected to the commitments undertaken. 

Transparency: CNC Centri di Lavoro srl, also through its employees and collaborators, undertakes to carry out the tasks and responsibilities assigned in a diligent, clear and appropriate manner to the nature of the same, without reservations of intent or through the pursuit of non-manifest purposes;

Correctness: all actions and operations carried out and behaviors adopted by each of the Recipients in carrying out their work activities and/or their duties or functions within the context of relationships with CNC Centri di Lavoro srl are inspired by correctness and mutual respect as well as legitimacy from both a formal and substantial point of view, according to current regulations and internal procedures, also with a view to protecting the company’s assets and image.

To this end, conduct aimed at pursuing personal or third party interests to the detriment of social ones, nor the pursuit of corporate interests in violation of the laws and regulations in force, are not tolerated. 

The use of goods and equipment that the Recipients have at their disposal in carrying out their  work activity and/or their role or function must respect the principle of correctness and is not permitted for unauthorized purposes or in any case for different purposes from those specific to them. 

Confidentiality: CNC Centri di Lavoro srl believes it is its duty to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the information learned due to its work function.

In this sense, each Recipient ensures maximum confidentiality on data, news and information constituting the company assets or concerning CNC Centri di Lavoro srl, acquired and/or processed during the performance of their work activity and/or the performance of one’s duties or functions.

CNC Centri di Lavoro srl undertakes to process personal data and confidential information in compliance with all current privacy regulations and best privacy protection practices and abusive exploitation, in the personal interest or that of third parties, is prohibited. , of the name and reputation of CNC Centri di Lavoro srl as well as the information acquired and business opportunities learned in carrying out one’s work activity and/or one’s assignment or function.

Equality: CNC Centri di Lavoro srl recognizes the equal dignity and impartiality of treatment of all subjects involved in the activities, guaranteeing the freedom and dignity of the person and respect for diversity.

As a result, CNC Centri di Lavoro srl repudiates any form of discrimination based on sex, race, languages, personal and social conditions, religious and political beliefs.

Enhancement of People: CNC Centri di Lavoro srl guarantees equal growth opportunities for its people, aware that the increase in the skills and professionalism of individuals is necessary to be reflected in the improvement of their organization;

Protection of People: CNC Centri di Lavoro srl is fully aware of the problems regarding the health and safety of workers arising from its activities and recognizes that the continuous improvement of its performance in terms of health and safety of the workers must be undertaken in the interests of the company itself.

Environmental Protection: CNC Centri di Lavoro srl considers environmental protection a key factor in business activity and is inspired by the principles of respect and protection of the environment and the territory, considered of maximum importance both for their intrinsic value and in relation to their impact on the health of humans and other living species.

The protection of the environment and the pursuit of quality, in the services provided to the Customer, is addressed by ] CNC Centri di Lavoro srl through a structured approach, which takes into account organizational and technical implications .

CNC Centri di Lavoro srl envisages in its policy a continuous refinement of its organizational and technical skills in order to reduce the environmental impact and improve the quality of its activities, with increasing effectiveness and at the same time efficiency, analyzing the possibilities for improvement of the equipment, vehicles and equipment available and keeping abreast of the technical-scientific updates offered by the market so that its business activity, in whatever sector it is carried out, complies with the highest standards of environmental compatibility and safety.